Here at Apex Endodontics, we are dedicated to the prompt treatment of traumatic tooth injuries and offer specialized services to treat the problems that arise as a result of these injuries.
Injuries to the mouth can cause teeth to be pushed back into their sockets, pushed partially out of socket, or even knocked out of the socket completely.
If this situation occurs, your endodontist or dentist may reposition and stabilize a dislodged tooth. Unless the pulp remains healthy, root canal treatment will be necessary and started within a few weeks following the injury; a medication such as calcium hydroxide will be placed inside the tooth. A permanent root canal filling can later be implanted.
If an injury occurs that causes a tooth to be knocked out completely, it is important to get treatment immediately! If this happens, keep the tooth moist, put the tooth in milk or a glass of water with a pinch of salt. If it’s possible, putting it back in the socket is your best option. A tooth can be saved if it remains moist.
The length of time the tooth was out of your mouth and the way it was stored will influence the type of treatment you will receive. Your endodontist may start root canal treatment right away depending on the root development.
Because children’s teeth are immature, they may need alternative procedures. We will make every effort to save the tooth whenever possible.
If you have any questions about tooth trauma and injury, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (281) 655-0603.